Technology in Education Ltd

3 March 2013
School account updates
Create A Test is now a brand of Technology in Education Ltd. With recent changes we hope to bring you a faster developing product that really is designed for teachers by teachers (and with teachers input!).
All future payments to Create A Test will now be made to Technology in Education Ltd and future invoices will be sent with updated bank details.

The new groups & pupils accounts section has now been active for a month and we would welcome feedback as always. Thank you to our current test users. If you would like to become a tester of this function please contact us at

All accounts: Faster dedicated server
Create A Test has moved to faster servers. All your test creating has created great demands on Create A Test! We are therefore now operating with a brand new server provider and some of the best and most up-to-date technology server technology in the industry. 

All accounts: Licence Extensions
Note your licence will be extended during this week. Schools will receive one extra month. Individual, parents and tutors will receive one week.

School account features on the horizon
Big News!! Currently in testing is a feature that will change Create A Test dramatically. We have listened and we hope to have a "Create A Question" function live on Create A Test in just over one month now.

New reward scheme for collaboration still in development. This feature will be made live after the release of the "Create A Question" feature
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